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Image by Matteo Catanese

Service Opportunites

If you are interested in any of these listed service opportunities, please contact us through our contact form or email us HERE.

New Member Info Session

This session is for new members after they have attended at least one regular meeting. It is an open meeting that can give new members the opportunity to ask questions and obtain answers as to what to expect from the program. This session is normally led by a member with at least six months of abstinence.

Trusted Servant Educational Session

Once a member has abstained from gambling for a period of 90 days, he or she may chair a meeting. This session gives information on how a meeting should be conducted. This is a valuable session for those interested in chairing a meeting. This session is normally led by a member with at least six months of abstinence.

Sunshine Committee

This committee reaches out to members who are hospitalized, families of a recently deceased member, shut-ins, and members who suffered a loss in their family. Members of this committee visit members in the hospital, send flowers and notes of remembrance, attend funerals, send cards to and visit shut-ins, and perform other acts of caring. It is an excellent way to give service. Members of this committee must have at least six months of abstinence.

Answering Service/Hotline

This is a volunteer service of GA. Members receive calls that come to GA over the hotline. One can volunteer for any day(s) or time(s) that are available. Members direct callers to meetings and give them information about the program. Volunteers for the Hotline must have at least 2 years of abstinence.

Public Relations Committee

This committee helps carry the message to other compulsive gamblers who need help through Bus Stop Posters, Radio, Newspapers, and other means of disseminating information. Committee members must have at least six months of abstinence.

Birthday Coordinator

As members approach a one-year (or more) plateau, two weeks prior to the business meeting, either the member or his/her sponsor contacts the birthday coordinator with the name, date, and place, and other details of the celebration. The coordinator adds this information to the birthday list which is printed and distributed at the next business meeting. The Birthday Coordinator must have at least six months of abstinence.

Temporary Sponsorship Committee

As new members come into meetings, they are given a paper to sign and turn in if they would like a temporary sponsor to help them get started in the program or until they reach out to a permanent sponsor. This committee finds suitable sponsors for new members. Members of this committee must have at least six months of abstinence.

Phone/Meeting Lists Coordinator

This member is responsible for keeping all updates on new and/or closed meetings. The new information is incorporated into the meeting and/or phone list. This current and updated information is distributed at each business meeting. If a group opens or closes a meeting the meeting secretary contacts the coordinator with the latest information. The coordinator must have at least two years of abstinence.

Literature Coordinator

This member is in charge of ordering all approved G.A. literature, key chains, yearly pins, books, G.A. Coins, and all other supplies. The coordinator keeps track of literature stocks on hand, literature sold, in order to maintain proper supply inventory for all New York Gamblers Anonymous meetings. The coordinator must have at least six months of abstinence.

Events Coordinator

This member compiles and maintains a list of the particulars for events throughout the year to keep members informed of fellowship functions. The coordinator must have at least six months of abstinence.

Mini Convention Committee

This committee is responsible for all aspects of planning and organizing the New York Gamblers Anonymous annual gathering (Mini-Convention), staffed by volunteers. The Mini-Convention is an annual event consisting of a day of fellowship, workshops, speakers, and food. All members are welcome. This is an outstanding opportunity to experience New York Gamblers Anonymous up close and personal. Members of this committee must have at least six months of abstinence.

Pressure Relief Coordinator

This is a member who is available to assist any member who is having financial problems with possible solutions that will aid in their recovery. The coordinator must have at least six months of abstinence.

New York Gamblers Anonymous Treasurer

The treasurer of New York Gamblers Anonymous is a signatory on the New York Gamblers Anonymous bank account, along with two other members of the business meeting. The treasurer is the custodian of all financial transactions of New York Gamblers Anonymous and issues all authorized checks in payment for goods and services. The New York Gamblers Anonymous books are audited twice a year. The treasurer must have at least two years of abstinence.

New York Gamblers Anonymous Chair of the Monthly Business Meeting

The Chair's duties are to prepare the agenda in consultation with other trusted servants, review agenda items prior to the meeting, and conduct the meeting in an orderly and timely manner. The Chair is also a cosignatory on the bank account (with the treasurer and one other member). The Chair votes only to break ties. The Chair must have at least one year of abstinence.

New York Gamblers Anonymous Co-Chair of the Monthly Business Meeting

The Business Meeting Co-Chair duties consist of performing the duties of the Chair when the Chair is absent, keeping an accurate record of group representatives, and taking intergroup meeting attendance. The Business Meeting Co-Chair must have at least one year of abstinence.

Voting Committee

This committee is responsible for conducting all New York Gamblers Anonymous elections for Trustees, Business Meeting Chair, Co-Chair, and proposed Guidance Code changes. The committee Chair must have at least one year of abstinence while committee members must have at least six months of abstinence.

Guidance Code Committee

This committee is responsible for maintaining the current rules for operating New York Gamblers Anonymous, commonly known as the Guidance Code. The Committee Chair must have at least one year of abstinence. Any time there is a need to amend the Guidance Code, the committee drafts the change(s). The Committee then distributes copies of the proposed changes to New York Gamblers Anonymous meeting secretaries at the monthly business meeting. The proposed changes are discussed at the meeting level for two weeks. After the two weeks, exposure period has elapsed, the proposed changes are passed on to the Voting Committee to administer the voting process. A proposed change requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those members voting in order to be adopted. A proposition that fails cannot be brought back for consideration for at least two years. Members of this committee must have at least six months of abstinence.


New York Gamblers Anonymous is guided by a Board of Trustees each of whom is a member of Gamblers Anonymous. Each trustee must have abstained from gambling, by their own admission, for a period of at least two (2) years and have had regular attendance at Gamblers Anonymous meetings. The Board of trustees defines regular attendance for International officers as thirty-nine (39) meetings per year. New York Gamblers Anonymous has been assigned 4 Trustees. The term is for two (2) years. More information can be found in the downloads section of this website under Trustee Responsibilities.

Website Liaison

The website liaison is responsible for maintaining a complete current physical file of all items that are posted on the website. This file includes the phone list, the meeting list, the birthday list, event flyers, business meeting minutes, and announcements. Liaison must have 6 months of abstinence.

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International Trustee

The following is the listing of Guidelines as per the green Information Packet booklet that is listed as literature item #28 on the GA-approved literature form on the inside of each month’s ISO Bulletin.

  1. Attend all physical Board of Trustees meetings and answer all mail and quick response board meetings.

  2. Be a living example of the precepts of Gamblers Anonymous and personally work the Steps of Recovery and Unity.

  3. Uphold the Guidance Code, and all decisions made by the Board of Trustees (not fulfilling this affects G.A. as a whole).

  4. Attend as many of the various group meetings within your area as possible. Where physical attendance is not possible, keep in regular communication through the mail and/or telephone.

  5. Be available to all members and groups in your Trustee area for advice and guidance. Work with the trusted servants to correct the issues that do not conform with the Guidance Code and all decisions of the Board of Trustees (not fulfilling this affects G.A. as a whole).

  6. Attend Gamblers Anonymous functions such as open meetings, mini-conferences, dinner dances, picnics, etc.

  7. Offer assistance to any group that has a problem.

  8. Serve actively on committees on the Board of Trustees.

  9. Be a Lifeliner and encourage group and membership to support the International Service Office through Lifelines and Group Contributions.

  10. Regularly attend Gamblers Anonymous meetings, at least thirty-nine Gamblers Anonymous meetings a year.

  11. Make area groups aware of and encourage use of tools of Gamblers Anonymous such as Pressure Group Pamphlets, Group Handbook, Sponsorship Pamphlets, Big Book, Public Relations Material, Ninety Day Plateau, New Member Letter, etc.

  12. Attend Regional or Intergroup meetings if they exist in your area.

  13. Actively participate in communicating with the Board of Trustees, individual members, group, Intergroup, to obtain agenda items for the Board of Trustees.

  14. A Trustee should offer assistance to any members starting a new G.A. group.

  15. A Trustee should regularly write his/her area happenings and any other thoughts to the bulletin.

  16. Uphold the Board of Trustees responsibilities to the Literature Committee and its approved guidelines by a) being completely familiar, prior to the B.O.T. meetings, with the content of all literature submitted to the B.O.T. for approval; b) making suggestions to the Literature Committee for improvement of said literature, if approved by B.O.T., within 30 days subsequent to the B.O.T. meetings. (note: Literature proposals from a committee, once passed, once passed, are excluded from B.O.T. suggestions.)

  17. Bring all upcoming agenda items to the attention of all groups in your area prior to all B.O.T. meetings for input that will guide all the trustees from your area at all B.O.T. meetings.

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